Due to the timing and expected snow accumulation associated with tomorrow’s storm, Attleboro Public Schools will be closed Tuesday, February 28.
Hello HFES Families! I hope you all enjoyed February Break. Below is a link for the NEWS FLASH. We didn't get a lot of views last week so I am sending it out again. Staff are looking forward to seeing your kiddos tomorrow morning. Enjoy the evening.
Please enjoy this week's News Flash
You're invited to A Night to Discover: APS Student Learning and Community Partnership Showcase on March 7, 2023, from 6:00-7:30PM. Join APS students, families, staff, and community organizations as students from throughout the district display their learning experiences and local community resources share information about their services and programs.
Please enjoy this week's News Flash. https://www.smore.com/fsad3
Our K students kicked off a new science lesson with some super fun experiments this afternoon.
Do you know anyone with school age children ready for Kindergarten for next year?
The Attleboro Public Schools is pleased to host Kindergarten Information Night on March 2, 2023. This evening provides information on how to enroll students for Kindergarten for the 2023-2024 school year. Please share Kindergarten Information Night with neighbors, friends and family! More information can be found on the Welcome Center Website.
Join us in supporting Hyman Fine Elementary Fundraising tonight 2/8/23, from 5-8pm by sending in a mobile order. Don't forget to type "HYMAN" under special instructions.
Please enjoy this week's News Flash
What better way to kick off the month of February than some B-I-N-G-O - Join us for FAMILY BINGO NIGHT. Wednesday, February 1st, 6:00pm - 7:00pm in the HFES cafeteria.
Please enjoy this week's News Flash
Please enjoy this week's HFES News Flash.
If you are looking for some fun Friday night plans come watch the Northeast Generals game. Game will be played at the New England Sports Village - starts @ 7:00pm
Please enjoy this week's News Flash
As a reminder, tomorrow, Friday, January 13th is an early release day (12:25). We are also having ½ day hat day . Students can bring in $1 and wear their favorite hat.
Wednesday 1/11, is our day for Luau Lunch. Bagel lunch will be choice 2 for students.
Please enjoy this week's News Flash.
HAWK HERO ASSEMBLY tomorrow 1/6. Don't forget to wear your HFES gear!
Please enjoy this week's News Flash
ABSOLUTELY AMAZING performance tonight by our 4th grade. THANK YOU Mrs. Bedrosian and all the staff that helped make tonight possible. Thank you to the Grade 4 students and families for making tonight special.