HFES Stuffed Animal Day - 11/6/2023
Our Hawk Heroes met their monthly PBIS ticket goal for the month of October. Students at HFES collected 7.4lbs of PBIS tickets!!! For such an amazing accomplishment students are allowed to bring a stuffed animal to school Monday, November 6th.
Reminder: If you received an invoice via mail, Fee for Service payment is due in full on or before November 15, 2023. If payment is not received by Wednesday, November 15, 2023, your student(s) will no longer be able to ride the bus beginning on Monday, November 27, 2023. Visit the Fee for Service Payment webpage to learn how to pay online, in-person, or by mail: https://www.attleboroschools.com/o/apswc/page/fee-for-service-payment
Please enjoy this week's News Flash.
HFES Title 1 Literacy Night is tonight 10/26, from 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Tomorrow night 10/27, is our annual trunk or treat. The event will run from 5:30pm-7:00pm (unless candy is gone before that).
We are asking everyone to bring a flashlight to light their way after dark.
Please enter the event from the lower parking lot entrance; all pathways will be closed.
his event is open to Hyman Fine students and their immediate family.
Please enjoy this week's News Flash
Trunk O Treat Update:
Due to the weather forecast for tomorrow night (10/20)Trunk O Treat has been postponed until Friday, October 27 from 5:30pm - 7:00pm. Please reach out to the HFES PTO with any questions.
ALL cookies kits from the fundraiser will be sent home with students on Friday 10/20.
Please enjoy this week's NEWS FLASH.
Please join us for a discussion:
Reminder: Tomorrow, October 11th, is picture day for HFES. I hope everyone brings their smiles.
Please enjoy this week's NEWS FLASH.
Tomorrow, Friday October 6th, is an early release day. Lunch will not be served.
Tomorrow is also half day hat day. Students and staff are encouraged to wear their favorite hat.
Our first Rooms' Help Session is tomorrow evening - October 3 from 7:00 to 8:30 PM. Please use QR code to sign up now!
Good afternoon HFES.
Enjoy this week's News Flash.
Hello Families,
The PTO is preparing for the welcome back night. We're looking for volunteers to help at the bake sale table so that everyone has an opportunity to meet the teachers and walk around with their children. If you are able to help, please feel free to sign up for a timeslot in the first sign up genius below. The second sign up is for the remaining items that we're still looking for to sell at the bake sale. As always thank you for your help in making our events so successful.
Thank you,
Hyman Fine PTO
Please enjoy this week's News Flash
Did you know that completing the Free and Reduced lunch application also helps to determine eligibility for P-EBT benefits and can waive or reduce transportation, athletics, testing, and other fees? Even though meals are free this school year, families who believe they qualify should complete the 23-24 MA Application for Free and Reduced Price Meals on the APS Food Services website or online here: https://www.attleboroschools.com/o/aps/page/food-services2
Hello Families,
Our Back to School night is quickly approaching. The PTO will be hosting a bake sale and are looking for some items to be donated. If you are able to sign up please do so on the link below. The PTO is asking that all donations be peanut free and labeled with ingredients and dropped off to the school on the 28th. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the PTO.
Email: hymanfineelementarypto@gmail.com
Please enjoy this week's NEWS FLASH
Join HFES in celebrating International Dot Day tomorrow September 15, 2023. We encourage all staff and students to make their mark by wearing dots.
Due to the forecast and corresponding flash flood threat this afternoon, APS will dismiss an hour early today, Wednesday, September 13, 2023. There will be no PM ELC. ABACUS will be open. The schools will dismiss at the following times: AHS: 12:50 PM Middle Schools: 1:20 PM Elementary Schools: 2:25 PM